I blinked and you grew up

I have done my best to make important events and enjoy the moments with my two boys. It still feels like time has gone by soo fast this is Hezzy at his last 6th grade field trip. He has taught me a so much at just 11 yrs old.

  • Don’t be so concerned with what other people think of you.
  • Be happy in every moment regardless of what you thought life was gonna look like
  • Water plants it makes the world a better place 🤣.

I don’t know what this next season will bring other then a lot of change. Hezzy will be going to a different school after being at the same one from K-6. His in home ABA will be changing for the first as well and he has had the same company since he was 2 yrs old. What I do know is that it will be awesome because that will be my perspective despite challenges and bumps in the road. I will choose to look at this uncertain future as a exciting adventure and not a doomed out excursion.

What changes are going on in your life that challenge you? How do you look at these transitions? How can you be more positive in them?

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